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نجل شاه إيران السابق لسكاي نيوز عربية: شعارات النظام الإيراني الحالي بشأن دعم فلسطين زائفةOpens in new tab

قال نجل شاه إيران السابق، رضا بهلوي، في تصريحات خاصة لسكاي نيوز عربية، إن شعارات النظام الإيراني حول دعم الفلسطينيين ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط هي زائفة، مؤكدا أن ا...


Exiled Crown Prince Calls for Peace in Middle East, End to Iran GovernmentOpens in new tab

A former Iranian royal is speaking out against the current regime once more and calling for the restoration of democracy.


A change to the Iranian regime would 'put an end to all of these problems'Opens in new tab

Exiled Crown Prince of Iran HRH Reza Pahlavi weighs in on the Iranian regime, sends a message to the Iranian people and assesses his nation's oil potential.


شاهزاده رضا پهلوی از پروژه «شکوفایی ایران» و ده اصل اقتصادی برای آینده ایران رونمایی کردOpens in new tab

شاهزاده رضا پهلوی پنجشنبه ۵ مهرماه طی سخنانی در سومین «کنفرانس ایران» در پایتخت ایالات متحده از تدوین برنامه‌ای برای تثبیت مالی و اجتماعی ایران پس از فروپاشی جمهوری اسلامی خبر داد.


گفت‌وگوی ایران اینترنشنال با شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در حاشیه نشست نوفدیOpens in new tab

شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در گفت‌وگو با سمیرا قرایی، ایران اینترنشنال در حاشیه نشست نوفدی: دنیای آزاد باید متوجه شود راهکار، سرمایه‌گذاری برای مذاکرات با جمهوری اسلامی نیست بلکه حمایت از مردم ایران است


معرفی پروژه شکوفایی ایران توسط شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در اجلاس نوفدیOpens in new tab

شاهزاده رضا پهلوی معتقد است برنامه توسعه اقتصادی لازمه ایران آزاد پس از براندازی و تغییرات سیاسی است


Shah's Son Says Regime Change Possible to Make Iran the West's AllyOpens in new tab

Iran's rivalry with the United States has only become more dangerous as the Islamic state is poised on the brink of becoming a nuclear power.


‘We have to put an end to this regime,’ exiled Iranian crown prince saysOpens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi told JNS at the Israeli-American Council summit that “Iranians who stand in solidarity with the free world, with the Israelis, are the answer to the problem, not this regime.”


Crown Prince of Iran: 'The West's best army is the Iranian people - but we need help'Opens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran, says that the Iranian people will overthrow the Islamic regime if the West can give them the support to do so.


Iran’s exiled prince urges Israelis to act on regime changeOpens in new tab

The son of Iran’s last monarch, exiled crown prince Reza Pahlavi, used a speech to Israeli American activists in Washington on Friday to urge them to act in support of his campaign to oust Iran’s Islamist rulers.


شاهزاده رضا پهلوی: کشتار ۷ اکتبر اسرائیل و ۱۴۰۱ ایران، یک مجرم دارد و آن هم خامنه‌ای استOpens in new tab

شاهزاده رضا پهلوی خواستار فشار حداکثری بر «رژیم ایران» و حمایت حداکثری از مردم ایران شد و مردم ایران را «گروگان» جمهوری اسلامی دانست


Reza Pahlavi calls for Israeli-Iranian partnership to defeat common threatsOpens in new tab

Pahlavi's address to the IAC was highly anticipated. Several dozen supporters gathered outside the hotel prior to the afternoon plenary session, waving massive Iranian and Israeli flags.


Crown Prince of Iran Says Islamic Regime Weaker Than Ever, and the People Are Ready to RevoltOpens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi believes Iran is ripe for a revolution. As the eldest son of the last Shah of Iran, the 63-year-old Crown Prince is on a mission to drive the radical Islamic men out of power and replace them with a secular democracy chosen by and for the Iranian people.


ضرورت تداوم تحریم انتخابات؛ گفتگو با شاهزاده رضا پهلویOpens in new tab

شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در گفتگو با منوتو از ضرورت تداوم مبارزه مدنی تا زمان سرنگونی جمهوری اسلامی می‌گوید.شاهزاده رضا پهلوی با پاسخ به استراتژی‌های مورد استفاده ا...


شاهزاده رضا پهلوی: مردم ایران به رژیم و به جهان پیام دادند دیگر تن به سیرک انتخابات نمی‌دهیمOpens in new tab

اختصاصی|شاهزاده رضا پهلوی: مردم ایران به رژیم و به جهان پیام دادند دیگر تن به سیرک انتخابات نمی‌دهیمبخش فارسی صدای آمریکا، بازتاب‌دهنده اخبار و سیاست‌های آمر...


لقاء خاص مع ولي عهد شاه إيران في المنفى الأمير رضا بهلوي الثاني | #مدار_الغدOpens in new tab

لقاء خاص مع ولي عهد شاه إيران في المنفى الأمير رضا بهلوي الثاني، مع الإعلامي عمرو عبدالحميد في برنامج #مدار_الغد#إيران #ولي_عهد_شاه_إيران #شاه_إيران#فلسطين


Iran 'govt weak, divided since Raisi's death' says last Shah's exiled sonOpens in new tab

Iran's hardline government is ''weaker and more divided than ever'' after the death of president Ebrahim Raisi on 19 May in a helicopter crash, an event that ''gave the Iranian people strength', Reza Pahlavi, the exiled eldest son of Iran's last Shah toppled in the 1979 Islamic revolution told Adnkronos in an exclusive interview.


Reza Pahlavi Discusses the Iranian Regime: "We Have Become the North Korea of the Middle East"Opens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi, the eldest son of the last Shah, has high hopes for regime change in Tehran. He speaks with DER SPIEGEL about why he thinks Iran is ripe for change and how he hopes to be a part of it.


ЕКСКЛЮЗИВНО ПРИНЦ ІРАНУ про “ЛЯПАС” від Заходу і гру режиму з МОСКВОЮOpens in new tab

ТСН ексклюзивно поспілкувалась із наслідним принцом Ірану Резою Пахлаві, який останні 45 років живе у вигнанні у США. Через революцію 1979 року, що усунула м...


Raisi's death won't lead to change with regime still in power, says Iran's exiled Crown Prince Opens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi, exiled Crown Prince and son of the last Shah of Iran, says he expects more of the same after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi.


»Ja, ich will eine Revolution«Opens in new tab

Der Sohn des letzten Schah von Iran, Reza Pahlavi, macht sich Hoffnungen auf einen Regime-Wechsel. Er spricht über das Trauma seiner vertriebenen Familie und erklärt, wie er glaubt, die Regierung in Teheran mithilfe der Opposition stürzen zu können.


Prince Reza Pahlavi : « Je veux une démocratie laïque pour l’Iran »Opens in new tab

Le fils du dernier shah nous a accordé un entretien exclusif. Et demande à l’Occident plus de fermeté à l’heure où la République islamique d'Iran est aux abois.


Interview mit Reza Pahlavi, dem Sohn des ehemaligen Schahs von PersienOpens in new tab

Der Sohn des ehemaligen Schahs von Persien kämpft im Exil für Frieden in Nahost. Gegenüber Blick sagt Reza Pahlavi (63), wie er sein Land aus der Misere führen würde, wie er zu Israel steht und was er von der Schweizer Vermittlung hält.


Reza Pahlavi: Iran plays central role in perpetuating Middle East conflictsOpens in new tab

In an interview with i24NEWS, the crown prince reaffirmed Tuesday the central role he attributes to Iran in the conflict that has undermined the Middle East for years.


Reza Pahlavi, fils du dernier Shah: "L'Iran mérite beaucoup mieux"Opens in new tab

Un Iranien et une Iranienne en exil, Reza Pahlavi, le fils aîné du dernier Shah, et Mahnaz Shirali, sociologue, proposent mercredi dans Tout un monde leur analyse du régime de Téhéran. A les entendre, le pouvoir iranien est plus fragile qu'il n'y paraît et n'a pas le plein soutien de la population.


Crown Prince of Iran says regime has turned country into the North Korea of the Middle EastOpens in new tab

Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi joins Morning Joe to discuss using nonviolent messaging toward igniting a revolution aimed at replacing Iran's brutal regime.


Sohn des Iran-Schahs packt aus „Es gibt nur EINE Möglichkeit, die Atom-Bombe zu verhindern“Opens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi spricht über die Ziele des Mullah-Regimes. Und warnt den Westen...


Western appeasement of Iran has failed, says shah’s sonOpens in new tab

The eldest son of the last shah says a Reagan-Thatcher style leadership pairing must confront Tehran’s threats and intimidation


Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi speaks to ArnabOpens in new tab

The tensions between Iran and Israel have been on a high since an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. In the Biggest World Exclusive, Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami talks to Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi on the ongoing crisis between Iran and Israel. Pahlavi also discusses why Iran need a regime change at this moment and how the democracies of the world should support Iranian civil moments. From the ongoing crisis to the history of Iran vs Israel conflict, the Crown Prince of Iran reveals his views in this tell-all interview.


It is time for a coordinated, strategic shift in Western policy from appeasementOpens in new tab

In the hopes of behavior change to maximum pressure on the Islamic Republic and maximum support of the Iranian people in order to free Iran and the region from this regime's terror.


Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi: The West has to stop trying to negotiate with the regime in IranOpens in new tab

TV Rain's Ekaterina Kotrikadze interviewed Reza Pahlavi, the Crown Prince of Iran. They talked about Iran's attack on Israel and its significance, Iranians' true opinion of the current regime, as well as the reasons why the West's approach to the current government in Iran is fundamentally flawed.


Reza Pahlavi says Iran has 'only one ambition': To export its ideologyOpens in new tab

Exiled Crown Prince of Iran His Royal Highness Reza Pahlavi analyzes potential retaliation from the Islamist regime and best policy actions from foreign nations.


Iran attack on Israel 'embarrassing' says Crown Prince - 'the regime never cared about the people'Opens in new tab

'The regime never cared about the Iranian people, it only cares about exporting this ideology, and this is why it has, for the past four decades, been a menace to the region and the rest of the world.'


The Path to Regime Change in Iran with Crown Prince Reza PahlaviOpens in new tab

In 1979, Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi was attending fighter pilot school in Lubbock, Texas when the Islamic Revolution overthrew his father's reign.


Iranians do not stand with the regime says exiled Iranian Crown PrinceOpens in new tab

"Rather than pursuing policies of diplomacy and appeasement" the world should support the Iranian people says the exiled Crown Prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi


This isn't the Iranian people's war, it's Ali Khamenei's war: Reza PahlaviOpens in new tab

Exiled Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi discusses Iran's warning to the United States after its attack against Israel on 'Sunday Night In America.'


Exiled Iranian royal sees regime change as country's only way forwardOpens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi, the exiled son of the last shah of Iran, is stepping up his efforts for a shift to secular democracy in his home country, urging that a leadership change in Tehran is the only path toward stability in the Middle East and beyond.


متن کامل گفتگوی شاهزاده رضا پهلوی با «یالّا» (بخش۲)Opens in new tab

توصیه‌‌ام به جوانان ایران و منطقه:با هم صحبت کنید؛اشتراکات ما بیش از تفاوت‌هاست


There is a ‘direct correlation’ between the US’s ‘tough’ attitude and Iran’s aggression: Reza PahlaviOpens in new tab

Exiled Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi reveals his thoughts on what the Biden administration should do to put an end to Iran’s terrorist ways on ‘Fox News Live.’


Exiled Iranian prince: ‘There are those who believe in death’ Opens in new tab

The “eye of the octopus,” the Islamic regime in Iran, must be addressed, Reza Pahlavi told JNS in an exclusive, far-ranging interview.


Persiens letzter Prinz warnt: Irans Mullahs wollen „Kalifat“ errichtenOpens in new tab

Er ist der Sohn des letzten persischen Schahs und ein Hoffnungsträger für viele Iraner für ein besseres Leben – ohne die Unterdrückung durch das Mullah-Regime. Seit mehr als 40 Jahren lebt Reza Pahlavi II. (62) im Exil und bekennt sich zur Demokratie. Anders als sein Vater, der im Iran ein autoritäres Regime führte.


Reza Pahlavi: Hamas's hostage games are straight from Iran's playbookOpens in new tab

Hamas's hostage-taking strategy sees the jihadist Palestinian group follow the script developed and polished in Tehran, Reza Pahlavi, the son of Iran's last Shah, told i24NEWS.


كيف هي إيران بعد الشاه؟.. رضا بهلوي - المدار مع عضوان الأحمري Opens in new tab

يستضيف الإعلامي عضوان الأحمري في هذه الحلقة من برنامج المدار، رضا بهلوي، ولي عهد شاه إيران، ليناقش معه عدد من الملفات حول ما يحدث في المنطقة، وما يحدث في إيران وسط مطالبات متعددة لتغيير النظام الحالي، ويتطرق الحديث بينهما إلى الشعب الإيراني والألولويات التي يريدها، وهل يفضلون حكم الشاه أم المرشد، والسيناريوهات المتحملة لإيران خلال الفترات المقبلة.


Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the RevolutionOpens in new tab

Patrick Bet-David interviews Reza Pahlavi, the Crown Prince of Iran. They discuss the seismic events of the Iranian Revolution and how it shaped Iran and the entire Middle Eastern region. Reza Pahlavi offers his unique perspective, reflecting on his family's legacy and the tumultuous events that have marked Iran's recent history.


برنامه زنده تلویزیون جهانی پارس Opens in new tab

برنامه مصاحبه علیرضا میبدی با شاهزاده رضا پهلوی


Israel-Hamas War: Crown Prince Of Iran Tells Piers Morgan Regime "Is The Godfather Of Terrorism" Opens in new tab

Piers Morgan opens up his latest show with a monologue on Benjamin Netanyahu's desire to occupy Gaza before interviewing Iran's exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. The prince discusses the rise of Islamic extremism across the region and warns that radicals want to change the way of life "even in Europe." Of terrorism he says: "It's a disease that needs to be cured… the cure is to put an end to what is the source to this extremism or radicalism." Asked if he had any doubt Iran was behind the events of October 7th, he said the regime were the “godfather of terrorism”, adding he hoped to see regime change in Iran in future.


گفت‌وگوی اختصاصی سردبیر ایندیپندنت فارسی با شاهزاده رضا پهلویOpens in new tab

.سردبیر ایندیپندنت فارسی: گمانه زنی ها بر آن است که جنگ غزه، آغاز سقوط رژیم در ایران است. اگر این رژیم سقوط کند، شما آمادگی برای دوران گذار دارید؟شاهزاده رضا


Iran's exiled crown prince calls out America's weak policiesOpens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi, the exiled crown prince of Iran, joins 'FOX & Friends' after the president of Iran issued an ominous warning to the U.S. and Israel.


Exclusive Interview With Exiled Iranian Prince Reza PahlaviOpens in new tab

Earlier this month I interviewed exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi to discuss what’s happening in Iran. You can watch the 25 minute video here. We cover a lot of topics mostly to do with economics.


Iranian leaders gather at Georgetown with a message of unity for post-revolutionary IranOpens in new tab

On Feb. 10, the 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iranian activists, journalists, and politicians gathered in Georgetown’s Riggs Library for an internationally broadcast press conference on the future of Iranian democracy.


The son of Iran’s last shah says the Islamist regime is splinteringOpens in new tab

Reza Pahlavi, the son of the last shah of Iran, has often been seen as a solo actor determined to bring about the end of the Islamist forces that took over his native country more than 40 years ago.


Beyond this Regime: i24NEWS speaks to son of Iranian ShahOpens in new tab

'Iranians want a better future… they hope the international community, particularly democratic countries in the West, stand on the right side of history'


Prince Reza Pahlavi : ‘The Alternative to the Islamic Republic is the Iranian nation’Opens in new tab

At a press conference in Washington D.C., Prince Reza Pahlavi hailed Iranians for imposing their “will not only on the streets of Iran but also in the decision and policy-making rooms across the globe.”


'Iran will seek economic, cultural ties with Israel' - Iranian prince - opinionOpens in new tab

In an interview with Emily Schrader, Reza Pahlavi outlines what Iran may look like following a successful revolution.


نسخه کامل گفتگویم با شبکه خبری ایران‌اینترنشنال درباره خیزش سراسری و دلاورانه ملت متحد ایرانOpens in new tab

در بخشی از این گفتگو تاکید کردم که ما به وضعیت غیرقابل برگشت چه برای رژیم و چه برای مردم رسیده‌ایم. از این رو، نیروهای مسلح اگر امروز از نظام نبرند، فردا نمی‌توانند از صافی بخشش عبور کنند و به مردم پاسخگو خواهند شد. این واقعیت است نه تهدید یا هشدار.


A message to the friends of the Iranian people across the Middle East

The Middle East, the cradle of civilization, is rich with stories of great kings, prophets, and philosophers.


Keynote Remarks at NUFDI Iran Conference 2024

This is a project not just to bring down the Islamic Republic, it is a project to build up Iran.


Keynote Remarks at IAC Summit 2024

Today we are on the precipice of history, not only for our nations and our people but for civilization. We find ourselves on this precipice in the middle of a fortnight that is crudely illustrative of exactly what is at stake: just days removed from the second anniversary of the murder of Mahsa Amini and the slaughter of hundreds of Iranian protesters and days from the first anniversary of October 7th and the mass-murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians.


صدای مهسا زنده است

صدای مهسا امینی همچنان زنده است و راه همه قهرمانان جاویدنام وطن که جان خود را برای آزادی و سربلندی ایران فدا کردند، ادامه دارد.


Iran: Ending the Islamist Caliphate and Returning to the Nation State

Western civilization, and the United States in particular, is at risk. I say this because this is exactly what happened to my country 45 years ago. Iran, you might say, was the testing grounds for what my late father called the unholy alliance of the red and the black– radical Marxism and radical Islamism.


بیانیه در خصوص سالروز فرمان مشروطیت

انقلاب مشروطه گامی بلند در مسیر بیداری ایرانیان، ساخت دولت مدرن، استقرار حاکمیت قانون، پاسخگو‌سازی حاکمان، و قدرت‌بخشی به شهروندان با دست‌یابی به حقوق و آزادی‌های بنیادین‌شان بود.


برای گرفتن حقوق خود به میدان بیایید

اعتصاب پرستاران در اعتراض به دشواری‌های عظیم اقتصادی که با آن مواجهند نمود دیگری از بلایی‌ست که فساد، ناکارآمدی، و ماجراجویی‌هایی منطقه‌ای جمهوری اسلامی بر سر میهن و هم‌میهنان ما آورده است.


رجزخوانی برای اسرائیل و آمریکا؛ ناتوان از تامین برق و آب و نان مردم ایران

جمهوری اسلامی در حالی برای اسرائیل و آمریکا رجز می‌خواند و به بهانه حذف رهبر یک سازمان تروریستی، بر طبل جنگ می‌کوبد، که از تامین آب و برق و سوخت و نان مردم ایران عاجز است.


بیانیه در محکومیت اعدام جاویدنام رضا رسایی

رهبر زبونِ جمهوری اسلامی، هر بار که ضعف و بی‌کفایتی خود و رژیمش آشکارتر، و در افکار عمومی داخلی و خارجی تحقیر می‌شود، از مردم و جوانان بی‌گناه ایران انتقام می‌گیرد.


درباره تحریم موفق دور دوم سیرک انتخابات ریاست جمهوری رژیم

به شما ملت بزرگ ایران که در دور دوم #سیرک_انتخابات، در مقیاسی گسترده‌تر از قبل به جمهوری اسلامی و همه جناح‌ها و شعبه‌هایش «نه» گفتید و در این نمایش مضحک مشارکت نکردید، شادباش می‌گویم.


پیام به ملت بزرگ ایران در ارتباط با سیرک انتخابات رژیم

ملت بزرگ ایران،نهِ قاطع و آگاهانهٔ شما به جمهوری اسلامی و مضحکهٔ انتخاباتش، ضربه‌ای سنگین به این رژیم اهریمنی و نامشروع وارد کرده، صفوف میهن‌پرستان و آزادیخو...


گرامیداشتی برای فرامرز اصلانی

سخنرانی شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در گرامیداشتی فرامرز اصلانی


بازدید از آتشکده زرتشتیان در شهر هیوستون - آوریل ۲۰۲۴

آموزه‌های زرتشت زیربنای فرهنگ و تمدن شکوهمند ایرانی است. اما زرتشتیان، امروز مانند سایر گروه‌های مذهبی، با تبعیض و ظلم از جانب جمهوری اسلامی مواجهند.من و یاسمین از آتشکده زرتشتیان در شهر هیوستون در ایالت تگزاس آمریکا بازدید کردیم تا این آیین ایرانی را گرامی بداریم و با هموطنان زرتشتی خود و نیز جامعه پارسیان ابراز همبستگی کنیم.در ایران آزاد پس از جمهوری اسلامی، همه ایرانیان بار دیگر از آزادی مذهب و باور برخوردار خواهند بود.


پیام نوروزی به مناسبت آغاز سال ۲۵۸۳/۱۴۰۳

هم‌میهنان عزیزم،فرا رسیدن نوروز، این یادگارِ ماندگارِ نیاکانِ ما را به شما شادباش می‌گویم. نوروز، نمادی از پیوستگی فرهنگی و تاریخی ما ایرانیان است؛ یادآور ای...


Reza Pahlavi's remarks at the Simon Weisenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance.

Two great nations, Iran and Israel, are facing a common Goliath in the Islamic Republic. Attempting to appease this Goliath is futile.Now it is time to give David a chance. The Iranian people are today's David fighting to bring freedom to Iran and peace and prosperity to the entire region.


انقلاب ملی ما پیروز خواهد شد و قطار ایران، دوباره بر روی ریل ترقی و تمدن قرار خواهد گرفت

شما با حضور شکوهمندتان در خیابان‌های ایران و سراسر جهان، دور تازه‌ای از انقلاب ملی ما را آغاز می‌کنید. از خیزش‌ دی۹۶ تا آبان۹۸ تا خیزش مهسا، آنچه این انقلاب را با وجود سرکوب و خشونت بی‌اندازه جمهوری اسلامی، قدرتمندتر و فراگیرتر کرده، عزم و اراده پولادین شما ملت آگاه و شجاع است که دریافته‌اید راه نیک‌روزی و بهروزی‌تان از سرنگونیِ این رژیم ناایرانی و ضدایرانی، و جایگزین کردن آن با حکومتی ملی و منتخب می‌گذرد.


سالگرد قتل مهسا: فرصتی مهم برای کلیدزدن موج نوین انقلاب ملی ایران

آزادی و آبادی کشورمان ایران زمانی به دست می‌آید که جمعیتی آگاه، مصمم، فداکار و متحد از ایرانیان به درک درد و درمان مشترک برسند.


Iran’s Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Visits Israel

Pahlavi, the most prominent Iranian to visit Israel in history, seeks to renew ancient ties between Iran and Israel, honor Holocaust victims, and learn about Israel’s innovative water tech.


قدرت مردم متحد

درود بر همت شما دختران و پسران، زنان و مردان میهن عزیزمان ایران که با اتحادی بی‌نظیر، و جنبشی شجاعانه و آگاهانه، جهانی را به حیرت انداختید و به حرکت در آوردید.


The Future of Iran: A Conversation with Reza Pahlavi

Mr. Pahlavi is the most prominent Iranian opposition figure and, increasingly, a unifying symbol among Iranians who seek to replace the current regime with a secular liberal democracy.


Reza Pahlavi on 40 Years of the Islamic Republic

The Islamic Republic of Iran faces increasing, multifaceted crises in its legitimacy, popularity, and functionality. But in the absence of a powerful, organi...


Reza Pahlavi Rejects Regime’s Threat of “Syriazation,” Upon Its Fall

Iran’s Reza Pahlavi broadcast a video statement to the people of Iran, supporting their legitimate quest for freedom, opportunity and a better life, denied to them by Iran’s ruling theocratic regime. Rejecting the regime’s explicit warnings of violent chaos or Iran’s “Syriazation,” in the event of its collapse, 58 year old Reza Pahlavi, reassured Iranians of their prospects: pledging that the “day after the regime, Iran will be rebuilt by the Iranian people with full support of talent within Iran and expertise by prominent Iranians who have been denied into exile around the world.”


Lettre de félicitations de Reza Pahlavi au président élu Macron

Le peuple de France vient de faire le tres bon choix de vous elever a la plus grande et la plus prestigieuse marche de la Republique Fran9aise. Votre succes est, a n’en pas douter, du a votre amour des Fran9ais, de leur confiance en vous et de votre determination a vouloir que la France demeur le pays des Lumieres, de l’egalite entre les citoyens, de la liberte, de la fraternite et des inalienables droits de l’homme.


Letter to UK Prime Minister May Regarding Attacks in Wesminster

We strongly condemn the terrorist attack outside Westminster Palace, the seat of the oldestParliament. We also extend to you and the people of Britain, as well as the countries whose nationals became victims of this horrific act of Islamist terrorism, while visiting London, our most sincere condolences.


Statement on the UN’s 2017 International Women’s Day

Approximately 50 percent of working age women are represented in the labor force globally, compared to 76 percent of men. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of women are in the informal economy — subsidizing care and domestic work, and concentrated in lower-paid, lower-skill occupations with little or no social protection. Much of this imbalance is the result of local cultural and/or religious norms that devalue and disempower women. If we are to have sustainable development around the world, we must address these root causes in order to achieve gender equality in the world of work.


President of Iran National Council for Free Election Letters to President of United Nations

I would like to bring to your attention and consideration, the concerns of the freedom seeking Iranians who are faced with the dichotomy of being brutalized by the clerical dictatorship, while at the same time being potentially penalized by the restrictions enumerated in the new Presidential Executive Order.


An open letter to the Heads of States & Governments of the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council

We request and urge you to support our humanitarian campaign for the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience detained and imprisoned in Iran, many of whom continue to be on hunger strikes. We appeal to all world leaders who value human rights and freedom to support this campaign, as innocent Iranians are faced with life-threatening health complications due to intolerable prison conditions and denial of basic health care and civil rights.


Thirty-Seven Years of the Islamic Republic's Tyranny

While the political leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrate their thirty-seventh year of oppressive rule in Iran by sponsoring celebrations in schools and airing fabricated stories on Iranian history while using the nation’s money, scholars and historians view this as an anniversary of the darkest moment of Iran’s history, a time where tyranny and government crimes against its own people became the new norm.


National Aspirations vs. the Interests of the Islamic Republic

The lifting of international economic and financial sanctions, which were imposed on the people of Iran as a result of provocative and destabilizing policies of the theocratic regime, could be a reason to rejoice.


Condemning the Attack on the Saudi Embassy

Only a pariah state would be so lawless as to allow an attack on a defenseless embassy and its diplomats. The Islamic Republic also holds this dubious record as well. The Iran National Council strongly condemns this organized and pre-planned attack on the Saudi embassy by elements of the Islamic Republic’s security apparatus and mob, also known as the militia in civilian clothes


Iran: Unleashing Her Potential Through Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights

While our precious national resources are being utilized by the clerical regime to export revolution, the Iranian people are being left without access to basic necessities, rapidly losing a standard of living that was once the envy of many around the world, and they live in a state of perpetual tyranny.


Iran: The Quest for Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights

The quest for freedom, democracy and human rights. This is an issue of epic proportions, but given our short time together this evening, I wish to share with you my thoughts on the path, rather than the obvious merits of our collective desire to achieve this goal.


Iran: From Theocracy to Democracy

For those of us who have devoted our entire lives to the cause of democracy and human rights in Iran, we had hoped to avoid this day and these tragic consequences. As it turned out, the events surrounding the fraudulent election in June 2009 caused the people of Iran to reach their point of no return, and the regime to abandon all pretenses of faith, national pride, and humanity.
