Reza Pahlavi believes Iran is ripe for a revolution. As the eldest son of the last Shah of Iran, the 63-year-old Crown Prince is on a mission to drive the radical Islamic men out of power and replace them with a secular democracy chosen by and for the Iranian people.
شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در گفتگو با منوتو از ضرورت تداوم مبارزه مدنی تا زمان سرنگونی جمهوری اسلامی میگوید.شاهزاده رضا پهلوی با پاسخ به استراتژیهای مورد استفاده ا...
اختصاصی|شاهزاده رضا پهلوی: مردم ایران به رژیم و به جهان پیام دادند دیگر تن به سیرک انتخابات نمیدهیمبخش فارسی صدای آمریکا، بازتابدهنده اخبار و سیاستهای آمر...
لقاء خاص مع ولي عهد شاه إيران في المنفى الأمير رضا بهلوي الثاني، مع الإعلامي عمرو عبدالحميد في برنامج #مدار_الغد#إيران #ولي_عهد_شاه_إيران #شاه_إيران#فلسطين
Iran's hardline government is ''weaker and more divided than ever'' after the death of president Ebrahim Raisi on 19 May in a helicopter crash, an event that ''gave the Iranian people strength', Reza Pahlavi, the exiled eldest son of Iran's last Shah toppled in the 1979 Islamic revolution told Adnkronos in an exclusive interview.
Reza Pahlavi, the eldest son of the last Shah, has high hopes for regime change in Tehran. He speaks with DER SPIEGEL about why he thinks Iran is ripe for change and how he hopes to be a part of it.
ТСН ексклюзивно поспілкувалась із наслідним принцом Ірану Резою Пахлаві, який останні 45 років живе у вигнанні у США. Через революцію 1979 року, що усунула м...
In an interview with i24NEWS, the crown prince reaffirmed Tuesday the central role he attributes to Iran in the conflict that has undermined the Middle East for years.
In an interview with i24NEWS, the crown prince reaffirmed Tuesday the central role he attributes to Iran in the conflict that has undermined the Middle East for years.
Un Iranien et une Iranienne en exil, Reza Pahlavi, le fils aîné du dernier Shah, et Mahnaz Shirali, sociologue, proposent mercredi dans Tout un monde leur analyse du régime de Téhéran. A les entendre, le pouvoir iranien est plus fragile qu'il n'y paraît et n'a pas le plein soutien de la population.
Un Iranien et une Iranienne en exil, Reza Pahlavi, le fils aîné du dernier Shah, et Mahnaz Shirali, sociologue, proposent mercredi dans Tout un monde leur analyse du régime de Téhéran. A les entendre, le pouvoir iranien est plus fragile qu'il n'y paraît et n'a pas le plein soutien de la population.
Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi joins Morning Joe to discuss using nonviolent messaging toward igniting a revolution aimed at replacing Iran's brutal regime.
Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi joins Morning Joe to discuss using nonviolent messaging toward igniting a revolution aimed at replacing Iran's brutal regime.
Reza Pahlavi spricht über die Ziele des Mullah-Regimes. Und warnt den Westen...
Reza Pahlavi spricht über die Ziele des Mullah-Regimes. Und warnt den Westen...
The eldest son of the last shah says a Reagan-Thatcher style leadership pairing must confront Tehran’s threats and intimidation
The eldest son of the last shah says a Reagan-Thatcher style leadership pairing must confront Tehran’s threats and intimidation
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